So far

So far in digits…over the years


326Maximum number of participants in one event.
164Number of events held by Work Partners.
59Settlements, in which we’ve held events.
42Maximum number of Work Partners’ collaborators engaged in one event.
38The number of movies shot and especially made for our events.
22are thematically developed formats in which each team is not just “treasure hunting”, but involved in memorable adventure. We can adapt this format to every customer and requirement.
21Maximum number of teams in one event.
8The smallest number of participants for which we’ve held an event.
7The biggest number of events, arranged for one Company.
3The number of events held simultaneously for three different Companies in three different settlements.
1(And The Only) case in which the weather prevented us to conduct an event, planned to be held outdoors.
1Event conducted without the participants knowing that they are participating in Team Building.
0The number of events, which are not in accordance with specific client.